You want to import an image as a Smart Object into the currently active document in Photoshop.
What should you do to accomplish this?
A. Choose File > Place.
B. Choose Layer > Smart Objects > Convert to Smart Object.
C. Choose Layer > Smart Objects > New Smart Object Via Copy.
D. Choose File > Open as Smart Object.
Answer: A
You have one image open in Photoshop and a second image file on your desktop. When you drag the image file from the desktop onto the open document in Photoshop, what happens?
A. The second image is placed on its own layer as a Smart Object.
B. The two images are flattened into a single layer.
C. The second image opens as a new tab in the document window.
D. The second image is resampled to match the image size and resolution of the first image.
Answer: A
You photographed a building interior, and because of the wide tonal range of the original scene, you used your camera settings to expose one photograph for the light areas of the room and another photograph for the dark areas of the room. You want to select portions of the light image and copy them to their corresponding location in the dark image. After you select and copy the pixels, what should you do?
A. Choose Edit > Paste
B. Choose Edit > Paste Special > Paste In Place
C. Choose Edit > Paste Special > Paste Into
D. Choose Edit > Paste Special > Paste Outside
Answer: B
You make a selection with the Rectangular Marquee tool in one image and use Edit > Copy to place it on the clipboard. You want to ensure the copied selection is placed into the upper left corner of a different image. After using the Rectangular Marquee tool to select that area, what should you do?
A. Choose Edit > Paste
B. Choose Edit > Paste Special > Paste In Place
C. Choose Edit > Paste Special > Paste Into
D. Choose Layer > New > Layer via Copy
Answer: C
You select a layer and want to apply a style to it that you know is found in the Web Styles preset library. This library is not currently visible in your Styles panel. What should you do?
A. Choose Web Styles from the Styles panel menu.
B. Choose Preset Manager from the Styles panel menu.
C. Open the Layer Style dialog box from the Layer > Layer Styles menu, and click the New Style button.
D. Choose File > Open, then navigate to the Presets > Styles menu, inside the Photoshop application folder.
Answer: A
You selected the first layer in the Layers panel, clicked on a style in the Styles panel, and then used the Layer Style dialog box to modify the style. Now you want to use that customized style on several other layers in the same image. What should you do?
A. Hold down the Alt (Windows) / Option (Mac OS) key while you drag the fx icon from the first layer to
each of the other layers.
B. Click the first layer, and choose Edit > Copy. Then, select the layers and choose Edit > Paste.
C. Click the first layer, and choose Edit > Copy. Then select the layers and hold down the Ctrl key (Windows)
or Command key (Mac OS) as you choose Edit > Paste.
D. Select the layers, then drag the fx icon from the first layer to the selection.
Answer: A
You’re creating several preliminary designs for a client. You’d like to store all the design variations within a single Photoshop document so you can present the design ideas to a client with just a few mouse clicks. Which feature is best suited to accomplish this task?
A. Window > Layer Comps
B. Layer > Layer Style
C. Window > Workspace
D. Edit > Preset Manager
Answer: A
You want to create a new layer comp in the Layer Comps panel. You want the layer comp to remember each layer’s blending mode. What should you do?
A. Select Appearance (Layer Style) in the New Layer Comp dialog box
B. Select Visibility in the New Layer Comp dialog box
C. Click the Update Layer Comp button before selecting New Layer Comp
D. Choose Layer > Layer Style > Copy Layer Style before selecting New Layer Comp
Answer: A
You photograph a model against a green screen. You want to remove the green screen from the image. You’ve added a layer mask, which is currently filled with white, to the image layer, and you’ve targeted the layer mask thumbnail on that layer. With which color should you paint on the layer mask to hide the green screen in the image?
A. Black
B. White
C. Red
D. 50% Gray
Answer: A
You have a photograph of a product shot against a white background. You want to remove the white background. You select the white area with the Magic Wand tool, choose Select > Invert, and then click the Add Layer Mask button in the Layers panel. You notice that some of the white backdrop is still visible around the subject. What should you do in the Masks panel to remove the white pixels along the edge?
A. Click the Mask Edge button, then adjust the Shift Edge slider.
B. Click the Mask Edge button, then adjust the Contrast slider.
C. Click the Color Range button, then adjust the Fuzziness slider.
D. Adjust the Feather slider in the Masks panel.
Answer: A
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